While electronic prescribing does help reduce pharmacy errors by preventing confusion over hard-to-read prescriptions, medication mistakes can still happen and cause children to suffer as a result. Sometimes, the wrong dosage is selected by the doctor and sent to the pharmacist incorrectly at the very beginning; however, most wrong medication errors occur at the pharmacy level.
Pharmacists are sometimes overworked and in a hurry. When this happens, they may misread a prescription and fill an adult dosage for a child. Other times, pharmacists may read the prescription and then reach for a sound-alike or look-alike medication by mistake. Unfortunately there is a lot going on at pharmacies that can cause distractions, which can lead to child medication errors in Texas.
Sometimes a pharmacist may accidently grab another person’s medication and hand it to you. Here are a few tips to make sure you’re receiving the correct medication:
If your child has suffered at the hands of a negligent pharmacist, you have rights to pursue a pharmacy malpractice claim for damages. To find out about your rights, please call an experienced pharmacy error attorney at Kennedy Hodges today: 888-526-7616. You can also fill out an online website form to receive a FREE copy of our report, How to Make Pharmacies Pay for Your Injuries Caused by Medication Errors.