Many customers every year are victims of drug mistakes that involve confusing the prescription with another that looks or sounds similar. Although these mistakes should never occur, they unfortunately do at an alarming rate. In fact, sound-alike and look-alike medication mistakes are one of the most preventable causes of pharmacy errors and occur from:
Drugs that sound-alike or look-alike include: Inderal and Adderall, Prilosec and Prozac, Clobazam and Clonazepam, Navane and Norvasc, and Keflex and Keppra. While these drugs, along with many more, may look or sound similar, they have different purposes and could cause patients health problems.
Filing a Prescription Drug Error Lawsuit
When you have received the wrong drug due to a drug mix-up and your health has been compromised, you need to call Kennedy Hodges, L.L.P. to file a pharmacy malpractice lawsuit. Your health and safety are worth protecting. Your pharmacist should be held responsible for his or her lack of commitment to your health and safety.
Our lawyers are committed to making sure that our clients’ rights do not go unprotected so that you can seek financial compensation for the wrongs you suffered. To talk with one of our skilled attorneys about filing a prescription drug error lawsuit call us today at 888-526-7616 for a free consultation and a FREE copy of our report, How to Make Pharmacies Pay for Injuries Caused by Medication Errors.
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