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Cape Cod Mom Saves Baby from Prescription Overdose

Cases of prescription error rarely have a happy ending.  Moms in our state may be able to learn something from Michelle LaRowe Conover, whose quick thinking saved her daughter from a potentially fatal drug overdose.
Mrs. Conover dropped off a prescription for her 10-month-old daughter, Abigail, at a CVS Pharmacy on North Street in Hyannis, and Abigail’s father picked up the prescription later that day. The prescription, cephalexin, is a liquid antibiotic intended to treat diaper rash.
When Jeffrey Conover returned home, he told his wife that the pharmacy technician told him to give Abigail three syringes, the equivalent of three teaspoons, of the medicine three times a day.  But something didn’t seem right to LaRowe Conover, who had training as a professional nanny.
“That didn’t sound right to me. It was too much medicine,” LaRowe Conover said.
She was right.  She called the pharmacy to confirm her suspicions, and found out that the doctor had actually prescribed three CCs per dose, not tablespoons.  If the pharmacy’s instructions had been followed, Abigail would have received about 15 times more than her recommended dose.
LaRowe Conover said the pharmacist at her local CVS has apologized twice for the pharmacy’s mistake, but it’s not enough.  She has requested that CVS officials write and distribute a pamphlet about children’s medication, and that they release it to all CVS stores and possible pediatrician’s offices.  Although she has made repeated attempts to contact CVS headquarters, she has not received a reply.
For a free consultation on your wrong dosage case, contact the board-certified Houston pharmacy error lawyers at Kennedy Hodges today at 888-526-7616.

Category: Wrong Dosage

Labels: Houston pharmacy error lawyers Texas prescription error

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