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Going to the Same Doctor, Pharmacist May Prevent Drug Interactions

David W. Hodges
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David W. Hodges
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It is a known fact that prescription medication mistakes occur, and that they occur more often than they should. Because you may get prescribed a drug you are allergic to or a medication that may interact with the drugs you are currently taking, it is probably in your best interest to go to the same doctor and pharmacy to prevent medication mistakes and adverse drug interactions.

When your doctor knows your medical history and your pharmacist knows your medication history, they may be able to catch a potential mistake and prevent an error from occurring. For example, they are aware of the other drugs you are currently taking. This is why it is in your best interest to see the same doctor and pharmacist as much as possible. With that said, doctors and pharmacists are human, and they can make mistakes when prescribing drugs and filling prescriptions. Unfortunately, their mistakes often cause patients harm.

Dispensing errors and adverse drug reactions are often caused by the following:

  • Laziness on the part of both the doctor and pharmacist
  • Lack of information about a patient’s current medications
  • Long hours at work
  • Demanding work environments
  • Poor communication

When doctors or pharmacists are negligent in meeting the appropriate standard of care and prescribe a medication that causes injuries or death, they need to be held responsible for their actions. When such injuries or death occur, it is essential to consult a skilled pharmacy error lawyer who can build a strong case for you.

For help with your wrong prescription lawsuit, call Kennedy Hodges, L.L.P. at 888-526-7616 for a free case consultation and a FREE copy of our report, How to Make Pharmacies Pay for Injuries Caused by Medication Errors.

Category: Other Errors

Labels: drug error at pharmacy harmful prescription drug mistake pharmacy prescription mistake prescription error case

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