The number of patients who die each year from preventable hospital errors amounts to four full jumbo jets each week.
There are many steps along the way where errors can happen: A nurse mistakenly administers the wrong dose of medicine; a doctor’s handwriting is too messy and a pharmacy fails to double check the prescription. All of these mistakes can be extremely dangerous and even fatal, yet they are usually totally preventable.
A report from the AARP revealed that many hospitals have started using one simple procedure to reduce the number of errors that occur: using checklists. It is amazing that such a simple method that could reduce errors has not been utilized widely in hospitals.
Michigan hospitals save 1,500 lives by using a simple checklist
According to the report, when Michigan ICU’s began using a five-step procedure checklist for handling catheters there was a 66% infection reduction rate, saving over 1,500 lives and $200 million.
Your family is at risk of medication errors every day.
Unfortunately, everyone is at risk of
pharmacy errors and hospital medication errors. Children, adults, and the elderly can all be put at huge risk once a hospital or pharmacy is involved in your care. Humans make mistakes, but in this profession preventable mistakes are completely unacceptable.
Take action against pharmacy errors today.
Order our free book to learn your rights after a medication error. If you or a loved one were harmed because of
pharmacy negligence our pharmacy error attorneys have written a book that can teach you how to hold pharmacies accountable for their mistakes. Order now:
How to Make Pharmacies Pay for Injuries Caused by Medication Errors.
Category: Drug Error Prevention
Labels: pharmacy error pharmacy error attorneys pharmacy negligence prescription error
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