My wife was given the wrong medication at the hospital and is in serious but stable condition. Isn’t there a system in place to avoid medication errors?
Can I file a lawsuit against the pharmacy for a dosage error that led to my injury and hospital stay?
My father suffered a prescription drug overdose because the pharmacist told him it was okay to chew his pills before swallowing them. Do we have a case against the pharmacy?
I am a hemodialysis patient and was recently given the wrong medication dose during dialysis and have had severe side effects because of it. Who can be held responsible for the dosage error?
Are teaspoons a good way to measure dosage for a Texas prescription?
Is it illegal for a doctor to use abbreviations on a Texas prescription label?
How Common are Wrong Dosage Errors in Texas Hospitals?
Is there any way to reduce my risk of a serious medication mistake while I’m on vacation?
What should I do after someone in my family suffers a prescription drug mistake?
I received the wrong dose of an IV medication. How can I tell who is to blame?
I am a diabetic patient and after taking several prescription medicines for different symptoms I suffered a stroke. Is this caused by a dangerous drug combination? If so, can I do anything about it?
Could the pharmacy be responsible for my over-the-counter painkiller injury?
Why are drug errors involving psychiatric medications especially dangerous?
Is there a way to tell how serious my prescription drug error injury is?
I thought the numbers after the name of my medication were the dosage. Does that count as a prescription drug mistake?
What are the most common factors that lead to a hospital drug error?
Do I have a Texas drug error case against my pharmacist?
How often do pharmacy errors occur when doctors send handwritten prescriptions to the pharmacy?
Do computers reduce the number of prescription drug mistakes?
I am pregnant and the pharmacy gave me the wrong medication and I am afraid of what may happen to me and my unborn baby after taking the wrong prescription. What are my rights?
How do transcription mistakes cause Texas prescription drug errors?
I was hospitalized because my pharmacy failed to catch dangerous drug side effects and interactions . Can I do something about this?
What if the doctor sent over the wrong dosage of prescription medication to the pharmacy and the pharmacist filled it? Are they both responsible for my child’s injuries?
My child’s medication had the wrong dosage instructions from the pharmacy and now he is in the hospital with side effects. Can I sue the pharmacy for this error?
Was my doctor to blame for my child’s medication overdose?
My pharmacist did not catch a dangerous drug combination for my childs prescription. What rights do I have?
My child was on Risperdal for some time and now he is having severe side effects from the medication. Do I have any rights against the company?
My child took the wrong prescription after a pharmacy mix-up. I noticed the color of the pills was different, but I didn’t think anything of it. He was in the hospital for injuries; can I sue the pharmacy for the mistake?
I took Actos for several months and I suffered severe side effects. Who can file an Actos lawsuit?
I was recently given the wrong medication in a hospital. Can I hold the hospital accountable for medication mistakes?